| 'Fuhr' type wire crushing rolls ready for dispatch... We manufacture various Turks Head rolls and forming rolls in tungsten carbide and steel for different customers, most in the wire and steel industries, to enable them to form their wire / steel into intricate shapes and designs. We also produce Fuhr Rolls for use in crushing wire. We produce these rolls in various diameters and widths with bores tied to tolerances of +/- 0.0001"..
We have a wide range of experience in producing these types of rolls for our customers and can advise on the best grades of carbides, tool steels or ceramics for your applications. Three of the different roll sizes awaiting regrinding... We have an efficient and professional repair and regrinding section who pride themselves on their quick turn round of repairs to our customers of their rolls as we appreciate the cost of downtime to our customers. Some of our customers have even reduced the overhead in stock they needed in rolls due to regrinding wait times and now carry a far reduced stock level!
Turks head rolls with different OD's and bores.... Key Benefits
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